
Damage: | 64 (+5/level) |
Attack Range: | 125 |
Movement Speed: | 350 |
Armor: | 34 (+4/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 32 (+1.3/level) |
Health Points: | 594 (+92/level) |
Mana Points: | 271 (+50/level) |
Attack Speed: | 0.658 (+2.7%/level) |
Counter Information
1/4Udyr can only do damage at melee range. This makes slows, stuns, range, and mobility very effective. Udyr tends to be strong at 1v1 fights. Avoid fighting him without a clear advantage. Try to bait and burn Udyr's Turtle Stance shield. Tenacity can be a good counter to Udyr's Bear Stance ability which stuns the target.
Monkey's Agility Video
×Udyr gains stacking Move Speed and Attack Speed after using an Ability. Udyr has four basic Abilities that he may use to swap between Stances. Changing Stances immediately ends both the passive and the on-hit portion of the previous Stance.
Tiger Stance Video
×6s Cooldown45 Mana
Tiger Stance: Activation - Udyr's Attack Speed is increased for a few seconds. Persistent Effect - Udyr's first attack and every third attack after will deal a high amount of damage over 2 seconds.
Turtle Stance Video
×6s Cooldown45 Mana
Turtle Stance: Activation - Udyr gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. Persistent Effect - Udyr's first attack and every third attack after heals him for 2.5% of his maximum health.