
Damage: | 57 (+3.4/level) |
Attack Range: | 525 |
Movement Speed: | 325 |
Armor: | 28 (+3.5/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 30 (+0.5/level) |
Health Points: | 610 (+86/level) |
Mana Points: | 245 (+45/level) |
Attack Speed: | 0.625 (+1%/level) |
Counter Information
1/7Try to avoid Jinx's 'Zap!' ability, which can often be dodged - particularly if you know the animation. Beware of standing near minion waves as the AoE from Jinx's rockets may give her free damage. Jinx's ultimate does more damage to targets on lower health - be wary of it when low. Keep in mind that Jinx has lower range when fighting with her minigun, Pow-Pow. As Jinx is dependent on AD, building armour may prove effective. Try to avoid bunching up with other team members in order to reduce the impact of Jinx's ultimate. Don't underestimate Jinx's passive - it gives her significant opportunities for repositioning.
Get Excited! Video
×Jinx receives massively increased Move Speed and Attack Speed whenever she helps kill or destroy an enemy champions epic jungle monster, or structure.
Switcheroo! Video
×0.9s Cooldown20 Mana Per Rocket
Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, but drain Mana and attack slower.
Zap! Video
×8/7/6/5/4s Cooldown50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.