
Damage: 62 (+2/level)
Attack Range: 150
Movement Speed: 330
Armor: 45 (+3.5/level)
Magic Resistance: 32 (+1.3/level)

#139NaN%Monthly PopularityMonthly Win Percentage
Health Points:       600 (+90/level)
Mana Points: 415 (+50/level)
Attack Speed: 0.668 (+2.5%/level)
  1. P
  2. Q
  3. W
  4. E
  5. R

Gift of the Drowned Ones Video


When Pyke is hidden from enemies, he regenerates damage that he has recently taken from champions. Pyke also cannot gain extra Maximum Health from any source, and instead gains Bonus AD.

Bone Skewer Video

10/9.5/9/8.5/8s Cooldown50/55/60/65/70 Mana

Pyke either stabs an enemy in front of him or pulls an enemy towards him.

Ghostwater Dive Video

12/11.5/11/10.5/10s Cooldown50 Mana

Pyke enters Camouflage and gains significant movement speed that decays over time.

Phantom Undertow Video

15/14/13/12/11s Cooldown40 Mana

Pyke dashes and leaves behind a phantom that will return to him, stunning enemy champions along its path.

Death From Below Video

120/100/80s Cooldown100 Mana

Pyke blinks to and executes low health enemies, allowing him to cast this spell again and granting additional gold to an ally who assists.