
Damage: | 68 (+5/level) |
Attack Range: | 125 |
Movement Speed: | 340 |
Armor: | 35 (+3.8/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 32 (+1.3/level) |
Health Points: | 586 (+95/level) |
Mana Points: | 300 (+40/level) |
Attack Speed: | 0.625 (+2.5%/level) |
Counter Information
1/4When she uses her E to rip out your soul make sure to either stand apart from it (in order to stop her AOE hitting you multiple times) or else leave the tether range. Note that leaving tether range will still apply her tentacle spawner onto your champion. llaoi has a hard time chasing people due to a lack of good gap-closers. Pick champions with high mobility or movement speed. Avoid standing close to the tentacles she spawns as she is likely to use this chance to dunk you with her W and cause the tentacle(s) to hit you VERY hard and heal her slightly. If she is hard focusing your soul, attack her while she's doing it as you can do more damage to her than she can to you focusing your soul.
Prophet of an Elder God Video
×Illaoi and the Vessels she creates spawn Tentacles on nearby impassible terrain. Tentacles swing at spirits, Vessels, and victims of Illaoi's Harsh lesson. Tentacles deal physical damage to enemies hit, and will heal Illaoi if they damage a champion.
Tentacle Smash Video
×10/9/8/7/6s Cooldown40/45/50/55/60 Mana
Increases the damage dealt by Tentacles. When activated, Illaoi smashes down a Tentacle that deals physical damage.
Harsh Lesson Video
×4s Cooldown30 Mana
Illaoi leaps to her target, dealing physical damage and causing nearby Tentacles to also swing at the target.
Test of Spirit Video
×16/15/14/13/12s Cooldown35/40/45/50/55 Mana
Illaoi rips the spirit from a foe's body, forcing it to stand before her. Spirits echo a percentage of the damage they take to the original target. If killed, or if the target gets too far from the spirit, the target will become a Vessel and begin spawning Tentacles.