
Damage: | 58 (+3.3/level) |
Attack Range: | 525 |
Movement Speed: | 335 |
Armor: | 20 (+3.5/level) |
Magic Resistance: | 30 (+0.5/level) |
Health Points: | 532 (+90/level) |
Mana Points: | 425 (+30/level) |
Attack Speed: | 0.625 (+1.4%/level) |
Counter Information
Threaded Volley Video
×7/6/5/4/3s Cooldown50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Taliyah throws a volley of missiles in a target direction, moving freely as she does. This works the ground below her. If Taliyah casts Threaded Volley on worked ground, she only throws one missile.
Seismic Shove Video
×16/15/14/13/12s Cooldown70/80/90/100/110 Mana
Taliyah causes an area of ground to erupt and throws enemies within in a direction of her choosing.