Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol
Damage: 57 (+3.2/level)
Attack Range: 550
Movement Speed: 325
Armor: 19 (+3.6/level)
Magic Resistance: 30 (+0.5/level)

#12749.2%Monthly PopularityMonthly Win Percentage
Health Points:       575 (+92/level)
Mana Points: 350 (+50/level)
Attack Speed: 0.625 (+1.4%/level)
  1. P
  2. Q
  3. W
  4. E
  5. R

Counter Information

Center of the Universe Video


Stars orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic damage when they hit an enemy.

Starsurge Video

11/10/9/8/7s Cooldown60/70/80/90/100 Mana

Aurelion Sol creates an expanding disk, which explodes to stun and damage enemies when it moves too far away from him.

Celestial Expansion Video

8/6.5/5/3.5/2s Cooldown70/80/90/100/110 Mana

Aurelion Sol pushes his stars farther out, increasing their damage and speed.

Comet of Legend Video

80/75/70/65/60s Cooldown60 Mana

Aurelion Sol takes off flying for a long distance.

Voice of Light Video

110/90/70s Cooldown100 Mana

Aurelion Sol projects a blast of pure starfire, damaging and slowing all enemies caught in it and knocking nearby enemies back to a safer distance.