
Damage: 68 (+3.3/level)
Attack Range: 150
Movement Speed: 345
Armor: 33 (+3.5/level)
Magic Resistance: 32 (+1.3/level)

#9947.3%Monthly PopularityMonthly Win Percentage
Health Points:       550 (+85/level)
Mana Points: 300 (+60/level)
Attack Speed: 0.672 (+3.2%/level)
  1. P
  2. Q
  3. W
  4. E
  5. R

Counter Information

Duelist's Dance Video


Fiora challenges nearby enemy Champions to dodge her. She calls out a direction from which she will try to strike. If she can complete her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and calls out a new direction.

Lunge Video

13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6s Cooldown20/25/30/35/40 Mana

Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects.

Riposte Video

24/22/20/18/16s Cooldown50 Mana

Fiora parries all incoming damage and disables for a short time, then stabs in a direction. This stab slows the first enemy champion hit, or stuns them if Fiora blocked an immobilizing effect with this ability.

Bladework Video

11/9.5/8/6.5/5s Cooldown40 Mana

Fiora has increased attack speed for the next two attacks. The first attack slows the target, and the second attack will critically strike.

Grand Challenge Video

110/90/70s Cooldown100 Mana

Fiora reveals all four Vitals on an enemy champion and gains movement speed while near them. If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed over the next few seconds.