Typhoon Claws

Buy For: 2000g (675g Base)Sell For: 1400g
Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss
Typhoon Claws

+30 Attack Damage
+20% Attack Speed
+4% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Basic Attacks grant Malice Charges upon hitting an enemy. After 3 stacks, your next 3 attacks will be at maximum attack speed, but deal -50% damage. Charges expire after 3 seconds.

''That is not the pounding of the rain.''

Builds From: Pickaxe Dagger
Popular With: Warwick Aatrox Nocturne Teemo Poppy Miss Fortune

ID: 3652
Monthly Popularity as Finishing Item: #240