Liandry's Anguish

Buy For: 3400g (1200g Base)Sell For: 2380g
Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss
Liandry's Anguish

80 Ability Power
600 Mana
20 Ability Haste

  • Agony: Deal up to 12% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at 1250 bonus Health).
  • Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for (15 + 1.5% Ability Power) + 1% max Health magic damage per second for 4 seconds.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste.

    Builds From: Lost Chapter Fiendish Codex

  • ID: 6653