Scrying Orb (Trinket)

Available on: Summoner's Rift, Howling Abyss
Scrying Orb (Trinket)

Limited to 1 Trinket.

Active: Reveals a small location within 2500 range for 2 seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for 5 seconds (120 second cooldown).

At level 9, cast range increases to 3500.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 30 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds).

Builds Into: Farsight Alteration
Popular With: Corki Urgot Galio Ziggs Xerath Mordekaiser

ID: 3342
Max Ownable: 1
Monthly Popularity as Finishing Item: #217