Enchantment: Distortion

Buy For: 450gSell For: 315g
Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss
Enchantment: Distortion

Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

Ghost: Grants 40% Movement Speed from 27%.
Flash: 20% Movement Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
Teleport: 30% Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)

ID: 3243
Max Ownable: 1