Elixir of Ruin

Buy For: 400gSell For: 160g
Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss
Elixir of Ruin

Level 9 required to purchase.

Click to Consume: Grants +250 Health, 15% Bonus Damage to Towers and Siege Commander for 3 minutes.

Siege Commander: Nearby minions gain 15% Bonus Damage to Towers and gain Movement Speed based on champion's Movement Speed.

(Only one Flask effect may be active at a time.)

Popular With: Teemo Hecarim Braum Gragas Zilean Renekton

ID: 2137
Consumable: Yes
Consume On Full: Yes
Monthly Popularity as Finishing Item: #395